Caras y paysajes de colombia. Faces and landscapes of Colombia

Twenty-six times larger than Switzerland and nearly five times less densely populated, Colombia offers a great variety of landscapes: jungles, deserts, Andean peaks, still wild coasts and steep-sided valleys rich in coffee bushes. Colombia is also a country that went through years of nightmare and daily violence, of hope for peace and better tomorrows. Poverty is still present, certainly, but many Colombians succeeded to overcome it and build an honorable life. As their children were growing up, turning into adults, Colombia has also regained its smile. In this context, the Fondation Aide aux Enfants Bambi Homes Colombia, based in Geneva, has been acting for thirty years on the field along with government’s bodies. This country reveals many cultural, artistic, natural and human treasures that this book invites you to discover. A journey into this cultural wealth illustrated by photos taken by Cristina Manuela Fedele, born in Colombia, from Swiss parents, who has worked for many years at the Bambi Foundation. The texts are written by Vincent Taillefumier, correspondent in Bogota for the daily newspaper Le Temps .

39.00 CHF

Fiche technique

Format30 X 24 CM
Nombre de volume1
Nombre de pages120
Type de reliureRELIÉ
Date de publication14/10/2015
Lieu d'éditionGENÈVE

Revue de presse